Before we understand the best Supplements for your hair – let us first understand the most common hair problems we face especially in Indian conditions
Here are some common hair problems and the best ways to overcome them:
1 Dandruff:
Dandruff, which is caused by scaly particles that cling to the hair’s root, can be caused by a poor diet, an infection, or even a slow metabolism.
2 Hair Fall:
Hair loss/thinning hair is common in women, despite being traditionally discussed as a male problem. Male pattern baldness may affect the majority of men. Furthermore, many hair styling products (chemicals/excessive heat) can cause hair loss.
3 Dry Hair:
Shampooing too frequently causes dry hair. Although having clean hair is desirable, many people overdo it by washing it once, sometimes twice, per day. This will remove all of the natural oils from the hair.
4 Hair that is oily/greasy
Oily hair is caused by the scalp producing too much sebum, a natural oil. Sebaceous glands produce sebum, which can sometimes “work overtime,” resulting in excessive amounts of oil.
5 Frizzy Hair & Dull Hair
Frizzy and dull hair occurs when the moisture level of the hair falls below normal levels, and it can also be inherited.
6 Heat & Color Damage
Use your hair iron too much and your hair will become damaged. Or when you color your hair, chemicals are used to open your hair shaft, leaving your hair extremely porous and prone to brittleness and breakage.
7 Premature Gray Hair
Most of us hate premature Gary Hair as they are brittle and are majorly due to a lack of vital nutrients in our hair.
Solutions :
You should also think about including supplements for stronger hair in your diet. Hair supplements like Biotin from Vogue Wellness are simple to use and will provide you with a long list of benefits in many cases if you take the recommended dosage on a daily basis.
Let us understand the benefits of the best Hair Supplement for you in India – Biotin by Vogue Wellness.
1. Helps Hair Grow Faster
2. Prevents Hair Loss
3. Stops Hair From Aging
4. Creates New Hair Follicles
5. Stimulates Existing Hair Follicles
6. Eliminates Oxidative Stress
7. Strengthens Hair
8. Makes Hair Shine
Key Ingredients of best Hair Supplement for you in India – Biotin by Vogue Wellness.
This vitamin prevents hair from thinning. A biotin supplement will restore your hair health to ensure you have thick and strong hair growth.
Zinc is also responsible for preventing premature greying of hair. Zinc is not stored in our organs so we need to refuel it daily.
Amino Acid
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and play an important role in building the Keratin to be produced in your hair follicles.
Conclusion :
When it comes to taking care of your hair, especially in Indian Conditions we would recommend you the best Hair Supplement for you in India – Biotin by Vogue Wellness.