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Author Archives: Vogue Wellness

Green Tea Extract – The Ultimate Guide To Safe & Natural Weight Loss!

Modern lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits have led to countless problems nowadays. Staying in shape is one of them. Dependence on junk food , 9 to 5 sitting jobs, limited physical activities, all are contributing to obesity and weight gain. Here is an ultimate guide to weight loss that will help you get back in

Biotin Uses & Health Benefits

Biotin is a necessary vitamin for the body that facilitates metabolization of fats, carbohydrates and protein. It is produced by bacteria present in the body and is available in numerous biotin rich food items like eggs, milk, bananas, etc. as well. Also known as Vitamin H or B7, biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. As it

Ashwagandha: A Rejuvenating Miracle

Different types of herbs, spices, vegetables have been used in ancient medicine to cure various diseases. And these are being used till date because of their unbeatable capabilities. No comparison can be made between the modern chemical based meds and these natural remedies. These natural remedies are much more capable of treating our problems in

Proven Health Benefits of Whey Protein

Every gym going person ponders upon which protein to choose for supplementation along with their rigorous exercise routine to attain maximum results. Well, not only gym goers but every single person thinks of taking some kind of protein at one point or another in their lives. Whey protein is one of the most popular protein

Benefits of Nano Curcumin (Turmeric)


Turmeric has been a major spice since the ancient times and its uses are not just limited to the kitchen. Turmeric has amazing medicinal properties and has been used in treatments for so long. It is also one of the major ingredients when it comes to Ayurveda. The curcumin present in turmeric which is just

Omega 3 Fatty Acid: Benefits, Sources & Uses

The omega 3 fatty acids have powerful benefits for our brain and body as well. These are polyunsaturated group of fatty acids that are incredibly important for our bodily functions. These are so necessary for us that our body can’t function without these. A number of food items like fish, eggs, sea food, nuts, etc.
