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How to Get rid of Hair Problems

biotin supplements hair problems

Depending upon colors, lengths, types, and textures, hair can be seen in different styles. No matter what type of hair you have , there must be at least one or the other hair problem you are facing now and then. Everyone thinks other person is having good quality hair but it is not true for the majority. Most have ne or the other hair related problem. Having only one or more of the hair problems may cause stress. In these kinds of situations, men or women who are suffering from hair problems should talk to their respective beauty experts to resolve the issues.

Just like other body parts, your hair also needs regular care, kindness, and attention. Various factors which affect hair are environmental conditions, diet, and your overall health. Timely identification of these causes and the use of some relevant health supplements go a long way in maintaining good hair health. Which supplement to take and how should be decided after reading the label and understanding the impact of main ingredients.

Common Hair Problems

  1. Dandruff

    In this situation, the scalp is used to produces white flakes. This situation is a harmless and a non-inflammatory skin condition that can affect the scalp and can even lead to hair loss. Dandruff is generally of two types – Wet and Dry. Dry scalp situations occur in the winter season due to the dry weather. In that weather, hot water soaks up the complete natural oil from the your scalp. Wet dandruff is experienced when the scalp glands start secreting excreting excess sebum that later on starts accumulating gathering on the scalp along with dust and forms white flakes.


    • Irregular shampooing of hair
    • Seborrheic Dermatitis
    • Imbalance of Doshas
    • Stress
    • Skin Sensitivity
    • Pollution
  2. Hair Loss

    Being the most common hair problem it can occur in any age group and to anyone and at any age.


    • Hormonal Imbalance
    • Stress
    • Aging
    • Extensive use of harmful chemicals
    • Access exposure to heat and pollution
    • Scalp Infection
    • Certain medical treatments
    • Unhealthy lifestyle
    • Poor diet
  3. Split Ends

     This problem refers to the division of hair shafts from the tip of the hair. Having split ends makes hair frizzy and rough in texture.


    • Heat Styling 
    • Dry hair
    • Rough Brushing 
    • Frequent hair coloring 
  4. Damaged Hair

     Damaged hair due to excessive use of coloring,and other chemicals on hair ,using lot of hair drier and due to certain medicines,In this,hair tends to develop cracks in the external layer of the hair (cuticle).Thus hair starts looking dull, frizzy,rough, and also difficult to handle. Damaged hair may lead to split ends, hair fall, and extensive dullness in hair if not treated for long.


    • Excess use of chemical-based products 
    • IImbalance in Doshas
    • Improper diet
    • Stress
  5. Frizzy Hair

     In this problem, the hair stands up or curls individually, creating a wooly or uneven texture. People having a problem with frizzy hair my face frequent hair breakage and hair fall while washing or combing their hair.


    • Genetics
    • Hair Damage
    • Humidity
  6. Premature Greying

    Premature greying is a condition where hair start greying at an early age. 


    • Genetics
    • Smoking
    • Stress
    • Decrease in melanin production
    • Pita Dosha imbalance 
  7. Hair Breakage

    Hair cuticle is made up of overlapping scales, and when these scales get weak, it leads to breakage at any point on the weak hair strands. Hair breakage can be identified with split ends, short hair strands, dry hair, and rough texture.


    • Fragile Hair
    • Use of chemicals 
    • Excess
    • Heat styling
  8. Dry Hair

    The hair that has lost their natural oil and moisture, are referred to as dry hair. Symptoms of dry hair are rough texture, tangled hair, dry flakes, split ends, and hair fall.  


    • Poor blood circulation
    • Nutritional deficiencies 
    • Excessive hair wash
    • Shampooing with hard water
    • Imbalance of Vata-Kapha doshas
    • Frequent exposure to heat and dust
  9. Greasy Scalp

    When the scalp starts releasing excessive natural oil or sebum then hair becomes greasy. This problem can be witnessed in the form of dandruff, sticky hair, hair fall, and skin rashes


    • Imbalance of Pita Doshas
    • Certain medical condition 
    • DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
    • Tight hairstyles
    • Stress
    • Poor or improper diet
  10. Hair Thinning

     The problem arises when a person starts experiencing extensive hair loss due to which there is hair thinning and even cause baldness in some cases. Hair thinning can be found in both men and women.


    • Extensive use of hair conditioner
    • Overbrushing
    • Irregular shampooing
    • Offended Kapha doshas
    • Heredity

Do’s to prevent hair problems

  1. Use a microfiber towel to dry hair.
  2. Maintain a balance in disturbed doshas.
  3. Use a wide-toothed comb to avoid excess damage and breakage.
  4. Make massaging a habit to promote good blood circulation in the scalp. It will help the scalp to maintain moisture in the hair.
  5. Start using a satin pillowcase to help prevent frizzy hair.
  6. Try using herbal or natural shampoo to wash your hair.
  7. Make it a habit to wash your hair atleast either twice or thrice a week.
  8. Incorporate vitamins and minerals rich food in diet.
  9. Exercise Regularly. It also helps maintain good blood circulation and therefore the health of hair.
  10. Start using a hair mask at least two times a week to keep your hair  well nourished.
  11. Get hair trimmed at regular intervals to avoid the occurrence of split ends and dull hair.

Don’ts to prevent hair Problems

  1. Avoid washing your hair daily. Over-brushing your hair also harms its texture and strength.
  2. Do not use hair products with harmful chemicals. Because in the long run, these products can harm your hair.
  3. Hair styling products increase the chances of split ends and this way your become more frizzy. So, avoid using such products.
  4. Don’t dry or rub your hair with a harsh towel.
  5. Reduce exposing your hair to sunlight frequently as it can also damage your hair.
  6. Don’t comb your hair just after the wash. Combing in wet hair can lead to hair fall.
  7. Avoid tying your hair tightly as it can would make your hair weak.
  8. Reduce the use of conditioner in your hair as it might cause product build-up.
  9. If possible, avoid bleaching, coloring, curling, and straightening your hair frequently as all these can damage  your hair.

How to take care of hair?

Everybody wants a dark, fuller, healthy growth of hair that bounces with vitality and vigour, and is an enviable head-turner? But, genetics is not so generous after all, and accordingly, if someone want to inherit beautiful healthy hair, while others have to be satisfied with poor quality hair, which can vary from thin, dry, dandruff-afflicted, grey, brittle, split-ended, greasy and more.

Lately, the stressful COVID -19 has emerged as the next possible spoilsport alongside already existing conditions like genetics, extreme pollution, weather, blow drying, perming, chemical colouring, age, late-night parties, fast life, travelling, hormonal imbalances, diseases of the thyroid, excessive stress, heart-problem drugs, depression, high BP, arthritis and many more and on top of that hair problems.

The groundbreaking researches of modern science hasve come to our rescue with revolutionary products in mane grooming and health which was previously restricted to its washing alone.

How does one take care of their hair in such trying situations?

Hair needs maintenance, both outwardly and internally. So, good nutrition and regular cleaning are the keys to their maintenance. Let us have a look at some of the vital vitamins and nutrients that are important for healthy and glowing tresses.

In case you are experiencing hair problems like hair loss and other skin and nail problems you must try Nutrivog tablets from ‘Vogue Wellness’. It is one of the best biotin supplements available online at our platform. You can also explore some informational content on Vogue Wellness Portal.

Biotin uses and benefits

Biotin is an important vitamin that helps protect against hair loss. Falling hair, brittle nails and dry skin are common symptoms associated with Biotin, zinc and essential amino acids – cysteine and methionine- deficiencies. NUTRIVOG, best biotin for Hair Growth in India contains all these ingredients in their natural form in tested and trusted strengths and thus free of side effects.

Vogue Wellness relies on the power of well researched ingredients and science to optimize the skin’s natural defences. Vogue Wellness Range creates a unique approach that would help communicate often dry science content into a more fun, approachable and engaging way.

Our challenge was to develop a range of Nutraceutical and Dietary products and supplements that would not only stand out in a crowded market space, but would also help position Vogue Wellness as an authentic lifestyle brand.

We believe there is an opportunity to strengthen the brand story by connecting with men and women in a more interesting, authentic way.

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The subsequent revolution in hair care products, with new possibilities, has simmered and made the subject of hair a hot property from the frigid cold.

New hair care merchandises, consisting of cosmetic formulations and nutritional products have been fast filling up the chemists’ shelves and selling like hotcakes. Nutrivog, is one of the best Biotin for Hair Growth in India.
Biotin, popularly known as vitamin B7 has made a pioneering breakthrough in the field of hair wellness as the magic vitamin, containing the goodness of damage control and revitalization.

An excellent vitamin that helps maintain the colour of the hair and is normally taken orally along with other vitamins, works by carrying oxygen and nutrients to scalp and hair follicles for hair growth while also improving brittle hair, split ends, hair fall, dandruff etc.

Some admirable sources of biotin are whole grains, almonds, meat, fish, seafood, dark and leafy vegetables etc.

Vitamin B7

In an experiment, when biotin was taken in combination with calcium pantothenate and vitamin E, it was found to miraculously arrest greying of the hair in some young end-users, which, though, a commendable achievement needs more consistency in claims and trials to establish its complete effectiveness on people, especially those who are above 40, since they are the ones who have to worry more about their greying strands.
Taking a leaf from the success of biotin, we have formulated biotin tablets that have been combined with other vitamins and minerals like folic acid, calcium pantothenate, methionine and L-cysteine besides some trace elements for maximum results.

Let us have a look at them, combined in a formula and sold as biotin tablets and how they can help the overall health of the hair and save us from hair problems.

Methionine: is proteinogenic amino acids and helps build new protein tissues. Its sulphur content builds keratin.

L-cystine: is found in high protein food and its role is to slow the ageing process by protecting against radiation and pollution. It also aids protein synthesis.

Zinc sulphate: is used medically as a dietary supplement to treat zinc deficiency, help the immune system and metabolism functions.It is very good for hair health.

Folic acid: helps in iron deficiency and supplies blood to the scalp. It aids in hair growth.

Calcium pantothenate is a part of vitamin B complex family and a component of coenzyme A. It is the calcium salt of water-soluble vitamin B5 and helps in the growth of new hair andprevention of premature greying of hair.

Let us get an understanding of the breakup of the nutrients in the above Biotin formulation more descriptively.

Protein: Hair is made of protein fibres called keratin that’s why it needs protein for growth. Eggs, dairy products, soya, fish, pulses, lentils and lean meat are some natural sources of protein. About 45 gm of protein is recommended every day. Protein promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss. Dairy products like yoghurt, besides being protein-rich, is also an excellent probiotic, and it also helps to counter dandruff by keeping the scalp hydrated.

Omega 3: Omega 3 fatty acids are an excellent nutrient that stimulates hair follicles, boosts hair growth, stimulates sebaceous glands, improves scalp health and reduces hair loss. Liberal amounts of omega 3 can be found in flaxseed, yoghurt, cottage cheese, salad and cereals etc.

Linoleic acid and Alphalinoleic acid: These essential polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for hair growth and maintenance. Flax seeds, walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, canola oil, nuts, meats, eggs, soybean etc are some natural sources of linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A has beta-carotene which produces oil called sebum which is an important nutrient that moisturises hair, saves it from breaking, split ends, falling and helps in its growth. Some excellent sources of vitamin A are carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, spinach, kale, milk, eggs, cod liver oil etc.

Vitamin C and E: Vitamin C and E are good anti-oxidants as they fight free radicals. Vitamin E oil is good for nourishing hair follicles and moisturising hair while saving it from breaking, split ends, and dryness. It is useful in repairing sun-damaged and colour treated hair and dandruff.

Citrus fruits, guavas, pepper, strawberries etc are some rich sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C also absorbs iron and builds collagen which helps fight free radicals and moisturises the scalp to fight scaly and flaky dandruff. Vitamin E is found in abundance in sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avocados.

Vitamin D and Calcium: Sun is the natural source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps in alopecia that causes hair to fall. Vitamin D also aids the growth of new follicles. Mushrooms, fatty fish and cod liver oil are some natural sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D taken together with calcium works wonder for the hair.

Selenium: Selenium sulphide is used to treat dandruff and it can aid hair growth by generating vitamin C in the body that fights free radicals. Some selenium-rich foods are Brazil nuts, whole grains, nuts, garlic, beef, liver, tuna, eggs, beans, oatmeal, spinach etc.

Zinc: Zinc deficiency causes hair to fall. Brazilnuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, almonds, vegetables, fruits, green leafy vegetables and salads are some rich sources of zinc.

Apart from taking the above nutrients and vitamins, some external applications can go a long way in treating damaged hair and maintaining them. Regular hair massage with essential oils, coconut oil, onion oil, olive oil etc will not just help moisturise the hair but also help in its growth.

Protein-based hair masks, hair spa, laser treatment, aloe Vera hair based products, can help maintain the health of tresses more effectively. Additionally, cutting down on over consumption of alcohol, crash diets and drinking lots of water will help hair to a great extent.

Hair health necessitates a healthy diet encompassing the above nutrients and vitamins to tackle the most common problems of hair and add vitality to them. Nutrivog is the best Biotin Capsules for Hair in India.



What emerges from the list of solutions is this – for beautiful and healthy hair, one needs to start consuming a well-balanced diet in routine, exercise regularly, to follow a proper routine for hair care that may involve applying oil regularly,using suitable hair masks at home, going for a hair spa at least once in a month, and eating a balanced diet.

All these efforts combined with good hair nutrition supplements will do wonders .At Vogue Wellness, we provide the best biotin supplements online in India to help you fight your underlying hair problems. Logon to to explore the more options of best hair growth supplements online. We deal in quality assured, and safe products only.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have grey hair, what should I do to get rid of them without the help of colours?

Take biotin tablets, formulated with wonder nutrients, especially biotin and calcium pantothenate,and zinc which can prevent premature greying if taken regularly.Whatever greying has happened cannot be reversed.

My hair is very rough, please advise.

The methionine and L-cysteine combination in the formulation will nourish your hair and make them soft, while also protect them from free radicals of pollution, and damage.

My hair is very scanty, they fall too much, please help

The combination of folic acid, calcium pantothenate, methionine and L-cysteine in our preparation can not only arrests hair fall but also make hair healthy and shiny. 

How long biotin-based hair supplements should be consumed for better results?

The results take minimum 6weeks to 10 weeks to start reflecting However, consult your health care advisor.

Can Nutrivog help overcome the biotin deficiency in the body?

Yes, Nutrivog contains active ingredients which have shown a promising role in imparting health to hair and support hair in the long run

Does biotin help your hair grow?

Biotin is alternatively known as vitamin B7. It helps stimulate keratin production in your hair which makes hair grow strong and healthy. Biotin-rich food is the key to resolve hair-related problems but if diet is erratic and deficient, supplementation with biotin supplements is a solution as is Nutrivog  which is available online at

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